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Articles of Marriage Counseling

Marriage Counseling

Portrait of female marital counselor at office after effective session with young married couple, copy space. Relationship problems treatment
Therapists: Boundaries in Professional Relationships
Therapists, as professionals, maintain strict boundaries in client relationships, prohibiting personal friendships to ensure well-being. While...
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psychologist talking with patients, giving advice to young couple in her private consulting room
Counselor Versus Therapist: Is there a Difference?
Is there a difference between counselors and therapists? The distinction between counselor and therapist is minimal, with licensure being the...
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Father Baby Connection. Happy Black Man Bonding With Infant Child At Home
Successful Parenting: How Can It Be Defined?
Parenting is hard. Parents can try to shape the life of a child but they cannot control their child’s response. How can success be defined as...
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Holidays can trigger behavioral issues
(Not so Happy) Holidays
Holidays can be hard for kids that have experienced trauma and you might notice that this is a time of increased stress and increasing behaviors...
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The counselor is writing a treatment plan for her patient
Benefits of Creating a Treatment Plan
A treatment plan is a document used in therapy. It keeps you and your therapist accountable for the time you spend in therapy and tracks your...
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Mother talking to her daughter at home
Words Matter: Choose them Wisely
Consider your words as you speak and as you listen. Try to improve the words you use, and perhaps, with the right words, address how others use...
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